Sunday, March 30, 2014

Struggles with Social Media

Those of you who have followed me on Facebook or Twitter know of my recent struggle in the last couple of days to get this blog linked to my Facebook page. Something which after three days of trying four different apps is still eluding me. Grr.

So far today alone I have tried:
  • Symphony - supposedly allows you to cross post to Facebook, Twitter and Blogger. Yeah right. Facebook, Twitter & Linked In worked fine, but the blog ... a big fat NO. There support service was quick in response to my question "where am I supposed to paste this bit of code". Within 2 hours I had a response "You don't have to". So why have that as STEP 2 of 2 in your instructions???? Syndication attempted again today, Crosspost icon is appearing on my symphony tools profile but another test post failed to appear on my blog - yet clicking on the icon TAKES me to my blog. Something is not right in the settings somewhere. 
  • Static HTML App - to create Landing Pages from scratch. Fantastic instructional video takes you step by step through every part of the process. One problem ... Facebook have changed the rules since it was done. No worries, it still uses HTML & CSS to create the pages, I'll create a quick flyer, convert to HTML, copy and paste the code. Err that looked terrible. OK ... we'll try a standard CSS website template, upload all the files to the website, copy the direct URL's for the images, CSS & Javascript. Yay! Beautiful. Looks perfect in Internet Explorer ... wait ... no ... what the ... It will only work in browsers OTHER than IE from sites that have SSL encryption for better security. Solution according to their help files - purchase a web hosting package from them. Err ... no. I've been with my hosts for the last fourteen years (must be about that), really don't want to start with someone new just for an app to integrate on Facey. Sorry.
  • High Impact Designer - I just love this company. With a free subscription I was able to create (in a few minutes) a new tab for my Facebook page advertising some of the products & services I offer. Fantastic. A landing page, app, what ever you want to call it. So quick, so easy, so very functionable and customisble.


Symphony is a new tool designed to bring your blog and social media posts together using a syndication process.

Simply register for a free trial and link your Facebook, Twitter, Blog and LinkedIn accounts to make cross posting fast and simple.

This is actually a test post typed on my iPad to check the system actually works! More details, images and a review to follow.