Friday, April 22, 2011

Choosing a platform for your website

Now that you have decided to get your own website, there are some things you need to work out. If you haven’t already purchased a domain name, that should be your first step. A domain name is the name of your company or business location on the Internet. It is the address for your website. If you have not read our previous post on webjargon and terminology, I recommend that you read it and that you are familiar with the terms
• Domain Name
• Web Host

When it comes to actually designing your website, it is a good idea to shop around for a designer and some ideas on what you want your site to look like. Do you have some favourite colours, or do you need to include a business logo? When choosing a designer, ask if you can see a portfolio of some of their work.

Web Platform types

There are many types of websites a designer may come up with. These could include


A HTML website is the simplest and easiest form of website. This is usually just a combination of text and images such as

HTML with Flash

This type of website uses Flash animation only in small amounts, such as an introductory header or as part of the navigation system.

All Flash

This type of website is based entirely on Flash animation such as a photo gallery. The navigational buttons and text are all flash scripts.

Content Management Systems

Alternatively, you may wish to use a CMS for your website. A Content Management System is simple to use once it is in place. This may include using Joomla, Word Press, Moodle, among others.

With a content management system, any user given the correct priviledges can create articles just by using a form that looks very similar to a word processor. This makes it easy for those who don’t know anything about websites and how to update them able to add content and update their site on their own without having to pay someone to do it for them.
You can use templates to quickly and easily update the look of your site and use extensions to add shopping carts, discussion forums, quick chat software and many more.

What you choose will be dependant on your requirements, and what you can afford. Have a talk with your designer, and take advantage of their experience and guidance.

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